Ballina Beach Nature Resort is registered to participate in the Stay NSW and Parents NSW Voucher schemes.
Vouchers can be used for any accommodation booking made directly with us either via our website, email or over the phone.
To redeem the voucher, please contact us directly via phone or email.
You cannot use vouchers for bookings made via, Expedia, AirBNB or any other Online Booking platforms or travel agent.
Vouchers can be redeemed by calling us or emailing us with your voucher(s) and reservation details before you stay, please note we will not refund a payment already made in exchange for a voucher.
Vouchers cannot be redeemed online.
If accommodation is fully paid for you cannot then exchange the payment for a voucher, you can extend your booking and use the voucher to pay for the extra accommodation.
Vouchers cannot be used for any other services (such as food, drinks) other than accommodation.
Vouchers are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
Each Voucher may be used separately, or multiple Vouchers can be used at a Registered Business in the same transaction, up to the sum of $250.
Any amount not used in the transaction does not carry over and will be forfeited by the guest and the business.
Vouchers cannot be redeemed for credit notes or for the purchase of a gift voucher or cash.
You can only redeem a Voucher while it is valid during the operating period of the Scheme, this does not prevent you from using the voucher to pay for accommodation of a future booking.